Sunday, August 24, 2008

Effective Communication Skills

Communication skills are essential as we need to communicate with people in daily life. Developing effective communication skills is vital in dealing with different people in different situations. Effective communication ensures the exchange of accurate information, efficiency in work and formation of a wide network of friends. Misunderstandings may easily arise if there is a lack of effective communication and therefore lead to dire consequences.
There are many different forms of communication. In my opinion, developing skills in active listening, interpersonal communication and oral communication is very important. Active listening allows us to obtain information in the workplace or provide advice for troubled friends, and it is also a form of respect for the speaker(s). Without active listening, inaccurate information may be obtained thus affecting work progress, or friends may feel neglected as they have no one to confide in. Interpersonal communication is another useful skill because when we enter the workforce, we will meet many people whom we need to build a network with. Having a wide network, it enables us to expedite work processes or to obtain a recommendation letter for a scholarship application. People with different job positions, status, or character will require us to use different communication channels. Lastly, oral communication applies greatly in the workplace when we give presentations. Being able to speak confidently and clearly in front of our audience is essential in convincing and conveying our ideas and details to them. When I gave a presentation for a school project, I realised that speaking confidently captures the audience's attention and it enhances their understanding of the content. Effective presentations may also leave a good first impression in the audience.
Effective communication is much needed to maintain the relationships with our family members, friends, schoolmates or colleagues. Developing effective communication skills is important when we enter the workforce, and these skills will still be used even when we are not working because we constantly meet new people in our lives.


제니 said...

I also agree that developing effective communication skills is very important. Not only does it benefit us when we enter the workforce, we will also need these skills even when we are not working. We may sign up for travel tours and meet new people in the tour group. When equipped with these skills, we can build better relationships with the rest and have a more enjoyable time while exploring the world.

En Lin said...

Yes, I agree with you that effective communication is needed to maintain relationship with the people around us. Many a times, problems arises because of the miscommunication we have with others. I experienced an incident with my friend due to my lack of listening skills and my habit of jumping to conclusion quickly. This has led to arguments due to the differences we had so I must say that effective communication is very important, because it expresses who we are as a person to the people around us.

grace kim said...

Hi Kai Ling, thanks for your blog. It's clear and detailed and I like that you ended off with the sentence, "...these skills will still be used even when we are not working because we constantly meet new people in our lives." Good job!

Kai Ling said...

Hi Ms Grace and everyone! Thanks a lot for commenting =)